What does the Module LED's mean on my Smart UPS Ultra Modular?
Product Line:
Smart-UPS Ultra Modular UPS
APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS Modular Ultra Modules are built with an LED to help end users troubleshoot their units and/or know what is the module experiencing.
These LED's can light up in different ways depending on the status of the module itself
Below are the common meanings of LED behaviors of Modules from a Smart UPS Ultra Modular UPS. Referring to the UPS screen would show more information on what is going on with the UPS including the event code. This is something our technical support representatives can use to diagnose and provide steps on how to possibly resolve the issue.
Please feel free to contact us at 1-800-800-4272 or chat with our technical support representatives to efficiently troubleshoot your UPS units
Released for:Schneider Electric United Arab Emirates
What does the Module LED's mean on my Smart UPS Ultra Modular?
Product Line:
Smart-UPS Ultra Modular UPS
APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS Modular Ultra Modules are built with an LED to help end users troubleshoot their units and/or know what is the module experiencing.
These LED's can light up in different ways depending on the status of the module itself
Below are the common meanings of LED behaviors of Modules from a Smart UPS Ultra Modular UPS. Referring to the UPS screen would show more information on what is going on with the UPS including the event code. This is something our technical support representatives can use to diagnose and provide steps on how to possibly resolve the issue.
Please feel free to contact us at 1-800-800-4272 or chat with our technical support representatives to efficiently troubleshoot your UPS units
Released for:Schneider Electric United Arab Emirates