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SEPAM Setting Software SFT2841 V17.4

The SFT2841 software is the setting and operating tool for Sepam series 20, Sepam|series 40, Sepam series 60 and Sepam series 80.|It may be used:|- prior to commissioning and without connection to Sepam, to prepare Sepam protection and parameter settings|- during commissioning, on a PC connected point-to-point to the Sepam front panel: to load, unload and modify Sepam protection and parameter settings and to obtain all measurements and useful information during commissioning|- during operation, on a PC connected to a set of Sepam relays via an E-LAN multipoint communication network in order to manage the protection system, to monitor the status of the electrical network and to run diagnostics on any incidents affecting the electrical network.||Compatibility with Windows 10 (32/64)||Compatibility with all Sepam series.

Fecha: 01 sep 2022 | Tipo: Software
Idiomas: Francés, Inglés | Versión: V17.3.0
Sistemas operativos: Windows 10
Referencia del documento: Setup_Software_SFT2841


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