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Modifying the Holiday Configuration in the Reporter TOU

Goals and Symptoms

In the Reporter TOU, it may be desirable to alter the holiday configuration to include custom holidays for different departments or companies.  The following steps show how to insert new holiday days, and how to alter the holiday group name,.

Causes and Fixes

Inserting New Holiday Days:

  1. Open Holidays.xls from "\\ION Enteprise\\System\\Bin"
  2. Select the sheet where you want to add holidays, and enter the pertinent holiday information.  Look at the existing format for guidance.  If you simply wish to add holiday days to existing groups, insert new rows in the existing holiday group and enter the information.  If you are adding a new holiday group, scroll down to the last entry on the sheet (last row), and then add the new group there.  Make sure to use a holiday group name that is reflective.
  3. Save changes and close.

If you have modified an existing Holiday group(s), you should now see the changes in the Reporter TOU when you create new holiday tariffs.  If you have created a new holiday group(s), you must define the name of that group in the Holiday.xls file before you can see it in the Reporter TOU.  See below for how to do this.

Creating Holiday Group Names:
  1. Open Holidays.xls from "\\ION Enterprise\\System\\Bin"
  2. Highlight the holiday days that exist in the group you wish to name.  For example, highlight cells A55 to A60 if that is the where the holiday days for the group you wish to create are located.
  3. Go to "Insert -> Name -> Define" from the menu bar.  A Define Name window will appear.
  4. In the "Names in Workbook" field, enter the name as desired.  You will notice that the range you selected is in the "Refers To" field.  Press Enter when done and the window will disappear.
  5. Go to "Insert -> Name -> Define" from the menu bar and confirm that your new entry is present and that it corresponds to the correct cell range.
  6. Save your changes to Holidays.xls.

Now when you open the Reporter TOU and access holiday information, you should see the new name that you have created as an option.

The following describes how to modify a holiday group name:
  1. Open Holidays.xls from "\\ION Enterprise\\System\\Bin"
  2. Go to "Insert -> Name -> Define" from the menu bar.  A Define Name window will appear.  You will notice that each name listed refers to a particular range of cells in the various holiday sheets.
  3. Select the entry that you wish to modify.
  4. In the "Names in Workbook" field, modify the name as desired.  Press Enter when done and the window will disappear.
  5. Go to "Insert -> Name -> Define" from the menu bar and confirm that your new entry is present and that it corresponds to the correct cell range.  If desired, you may delete the old name from the list.
  6. Save your changes to Holidays.xls.

Now when you open the Reporter TOU and access holiday information, you should see the name that you have modified as an option.

Original article#9342
Last Revised: October 30, 2007
All content © 1992-2007 Schneider Electric

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL189087 V1.0, Originally authored by KBAdPM on 11/10/2007, Last Edited by KBAdPM on 11/10/2007
Related ranges: ION Enterprise V5.5, ION Enterprise V5.0

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