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Quantum 140NOE77101 ethernet module firmware v6.8 upgrade procedure using the Unity OS Loader tool.

Goals and Symptoms

Quantum 140NOE77101 ethernet module firmware v5.0 upgrade procedure using the Unity OS Loader tool…

Causes and Fixes


To outline the steps required to upgrade a NOE module using Unity Pro 2.2 or higher OS loader. Please note that prior version of the OS loader are not compatible with this revision of the firmware. You MUST be at the proper OS loader revision of 2.2 or higher.

Applicable Modules

140NOE77101 Kernel 2.0 or higher with a minimum of V4.2 Firmware.

Resulting Module after upgrade

140NOE77101 Kernel 2.0 or higher, Firmware V6.8


The upgrade of a NOE module requires multiple steps. Two components must be considered to be upgraded, the Kernel and the Firmware version. Not all steps listed below may be required depending on the version of the NOE module before this upgrade procedure is started.


The CPU module must be in STOP mode and the NOE must have NO TCP traffic.
A loss of power during the upgrade may cause the NOE module to be inoperable. Make sure the power supply on the NOE module rack will not be interrupted during the upgrade.

Step 1

Verify the Kernel and Firmware using Unity OS loader or NOE web page.
For modules that have Kernel V1.0 and Firmware Lower than V3.3, you must upgrade to Kernel V2.0 and Firmware V3.30 before continuing with upgrade.
For modules that have Kernel V2.0 or higher and Firmware V4.2 or higher, you may continue upgrading to Firmware V6.8 using the Unity OS loader V2.2 or higher.

Step 2
Open the Unity OS loader tool.

OS Loader

Step 3
Select the FTP Driver.
Select Next.

Communication Protocol

Step 4
Select Direct Device and enter the device IP address and select Connect. If requested enter the modules MAC address, the MAC address can be found on the front of the module.
Note: If your module is located remotely, you can get the MAC address by pinging the module's IP address, then using the arp-a command to display the module's physical MAC address.
Select Next.

FTP Target

FTP Target 2

In this example, the IP address used is Adapt this address for the one of your PLC.

Step 5
Select Operation Download OS to Device
Select Browse and then select the correct 140NOE77101 file to download.

OS Loader Operation

If module is listed select the correct file and click Next.

Open Bin file

Step 6
The following Screens will appear:

File and Device Info

Both the Hardware ID and OS version must be followed by a green tick.
Select Next and then Download.



If this screen does not appear recheck each step and contact your local Schneider office for assistance if required.
Select Close and Back in the OS loader.
Exit the OS loader.
Allow the module 60 seconds to complete any actions and power cycle the module to allow the new Firmware to be loaded.

Web server page

NOE77101 Web Server properties page screen shot on completion of upgrade.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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