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How to fix updates not showing in the Schneider Electric Software update (SESU)?

Updates not showing in Schneider Electric Software update (SESU)

Product Line:

The Schneider Electric Software Update (SESU) V2.x looks for luSettings*.xml files in the following folder:
For 64 bits Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Schneider Electric Shared\Schneider Electric Software Update\Config
For 32 bits Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Schneider Electric Shared\Schneider Electric Software Update\Config
Each Schneider software covered by this update tool, when installed, copies its luSettings file to that location.
You may  download and install the latest Schneider Electric Software Update client software from the link below:

Search drive C: for "luSettings*.xml" files, and when you find those for Unity, SoMove ... somewhere on your C drive, copy them to the correct location above.
This will make these software (Unity, SoMove...) show up in the Software Update tool.

Schneider Electric Software update (SESU)? | Schneider Electric Belgium

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