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How to fix the error “0xA13D0074” when importing CanOpen EDS “IS620P_CO_V056”?
  1. Issue
When importing the CanOpen EDS file “IS620P_CO_V056” with Hardware Catalog Manager, an error occurs shown as below snapshot.
  1. Product Line
Control Expert V14.0, Hardware Catalog Manager
  1. Environment
Control Expert V14.0, Win10 64Bit
  1. Resolution
The root cause is that this CanOpen EDS has neither the EtherNet/IP device class nor modular section. Since that the CanOpen EDS cannot be added in the device library.
The workaround for now is to set the Datatype=0x0006 [unsigned16] (previous value is 0x0005 [unsigned8]) in object [2011sub3F] and then you can import the CanOpen EDS without error.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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