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ION9000 Data Not Showing on Connected Panel Server

Issue: ION9000 is serially connected to Panel Server. Registers can be read on the panel server and through Modscan but data is not populating on the panel server webpage.

Product Line:

EcoStruxure  Panel Server - Advanced
EcoStruxure  Panel Server - Universal


Panel Server Webpage

Cause: The Panel Server does not have a native device file for the ION9000.


A custom device file will have to be created in order to see data. This can be done in EcoStruxure Power Commission. Reference:

Custom Models for Downstream Modbus Devices (Universal and Advanced Models)

Schneider Electric Belgium

Pièce(s) jointe(s)

Panel Server - User Guide - 2022.pdfPanel Server - User Guide - 2022.pdf [31.27 MB]
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Gamme :
EcoStruxure Panel ServerPowerLogic™ ION9000
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Gamme :
EcoStruxure Panel ServerPowerLogic™ ION9000