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Issues with the front display and the replacement kit part numbers for SEPAM Series 20, 40, and 80

Need a replacement display for the SEPAM relay because it is not readable.
Another issue is that the SEPAM looks like it is cycling power all the time but the relay is still  operating correctly.

Product Line
SEPAM 20, 40, & 80

The SEPAM relay front display is bad.

The resolution is to replace the front display.

Series 20 and 40 base unit with advanced UMI display (ref# 59607 and 59604) replacement depends on the serial number:
1. If the serial number is below 0440000,with the exception of those with serial number between 0416000 and 0433000, the replacement kit part number is 59694.  If the serial number is between 0416000 and 0433000 the front display cannot be replaced.  A new base unit is the only fix.
2. If the serial number is above 0440000 the replacement kit part number is 59695.

Series 80 base unit with advanced UMI display (ref#59704) replacement kit part number is 59696.
Series 80 base unit with mimic-based UMI display (ref#59705) replacement kit part number is 59697.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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