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What is the part number for Vijeo Designer Lite version 1.3?

Vijeo Designer Lite part numbers

Product Line:
Vijeo Designer Lite

Below are the new part numbers and descriptions for Vijeo Designer Lite

VJDSNDTMSV13MVijeo Designer Lite, Single license
Software version V1.3 for developing and implementing an application for XBTN/R/RT on 1 PC.
Supplied without cable
Cancels and replaces VJDSNDTMSV12M
VJDSUDTMSV13MVijeo Designer Lite, Single license, Matrix XBT download USB cable
Software version V1.3 for developing and implementing an application for XBTN/R/RT on 1 PC.
Supplied with a USB cable for XBTN/R/RT (XBTZ925+ TSXCUSB485)

Cancels and replaces VJDSUDTMSV12M

Schneider Electric Belgium

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