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PL7 DIF V42: malfunctions with some PL7 Pro applications.

Goals and Symptoms

PL7 DIF V42: malfunctions with some PL7 Pro applications.

Causes and Fixes

The two following topics can be the root cause of a compare issue:

1 - Written code in a (or many) DFB is too big. It must be lower than 16K.
To keep just the required comments can fix this issue.

2 -In one Animation table, the number of declared variables is too large (greater than 2000 variables).
Reduce number of variables. It must not exceed 2000 variables for one animation table.

Then compare the applications should be possible

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL212692 V1.0, Originally authored by LaBa on 10/08/2013, Last Edited by LaBa on 10/08/2013
Related ranges: PL7

Schneider Electric Belgium

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