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ION7650/7550 - Is Parallel Redundancy Protocol possible on meters?

Goals and Symptoms:
We would like to set up Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) with the fiber optic ports. The meters will be connected in two/redundant LAN network to allows data to overcome any single network failure without affecting the data transmission.
The PowerLogic ION7550/ION7650 meters as I have seen has only a single fiber optic port. Are you developing to attain PRP support or is it already implemented?
Facts and Changes:
fiber, fiber, optic, LAN, dual
Causes and Fixes:
The meters are not capable of it today. In hardware, you can get 1 ethernet port, 1 fiber port, or 1 ethernet and 1 fiber port. There is no option for 2 fiber ports and there is no option for 2 ethernet ports.
In firmware, the meter only accepts configuration data for 1 network.
It is possible that in the future we would expand the hardware options to offer 2 ethernet ports and expand the firmware to allow 2 networks to be configured but we are not likely to ever offer 2 fiber ports."

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL206914 V1.0, Originally authored by MiGe on 12/22/2011, Last Edited by MiGe on 12/22/2011
Related ranges: ION7550/ION7650

Schneider Electric Belgium

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