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Which is the replacement of the Twido PLC?

The Twido range is discontinued and the possible replacement is the Modicon M221 but depend on the actual configuration/hardware we will need additional devices.

The software to program the Twido is TwidoSuite or TwidoSoft.
The last version of TwidoSuite is version 2.31.4 and it will run on Windows 7 64 bit.

In order to connect and program the Twido we will require the next reference together  TSXCUSB485  +  TSXCRJMD25 but both references are not longer available so we recommend to migrate to a newer platform like the Modicon M221 or contact our service team to check if they have a spare part:

The software to program this new controller (M221) if it is selected) is the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Basic also free.
The software can automatically be migrated to this new platform but check with our support center your architecture to validate the migration.
You can  also use our product substitution tool to help you select the replacement for the Twido:  https://www.se.com/ww/en/product-substitution/

For further information about the Modicon M221 software please access to the next FAQ:

Schneider Electric Belgium

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