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ATS22 on a Modbus network- needs to control over Modbus
Setting up for Modbus control on a ATS22 Soft start

Product Line:
All ATS22 soft starts


Monitoring over Modbus

I/O menu: LI2- run ( for 2-wire control).  Note do not set to LIL, if controlling over Modbus.
COP menu: Add-2, Baud rate-19.2, Format-8n1, Time out-60, CtrL- set to dbs.
The command word is 752. Bit 0 is the start/stop bit
Can monitor in the Status Word-  256.
Would need to make sure they have 120v ( for S6U) or 230v ( S6) at LI1 for the Modbus to work.  Make sure they do not forget to connect the neutral.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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