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How can I detect a ethernet cable disconnection in the IED Server side faster than the IEDHealth of BMENOP0300?

The IEDHealth word of the BMENOP0300 is usually used to detect the healthy of the IEC61850 communication with the IEDs and the ethernet cable disconnection is on of the status checked by this word.

This word follows the standard and can take up to 25 seconds to detect a cable disconnection in the server side if you have a switch between the BMENOP0300 and the IED (in this case a SEL relay) as shown in the figure below.
The ethernet cable disconnection can be detect in few seconds by the polling group status of the MMS communication if you follow these steps.
1. Open the Control Expert application and on BMENOP0300 Communication Module, open the IEC61850 Configuration Tool
2. Click on I/O Mapping and select the Client option on the top right corner
3. Select the polling Group-1 for one of the Data Object
The variable selected as polling group will be requested by the client to the server (relay) at the frequency that you choose in the application.
4. Save the configuration and close the IEC61850 Configuration Tool
5. Click on Update Application for the Control Expert creates the DDT with the polling group
The polling group variables are created in the IED variable structure and in this example, the variable is Client2Server2.PollingBlock.PollingBlockGroup1.
derfThe PollingBlockGroup1 includes the Cmd variable that is used to request to the server the value of the items from this group every time that the Cmd value changes and the Status variable that is a UNIT with diagnostics bits.
The bit 6 indicates if there is an error in the communication between the BMENOP0300 client and the Server (SEL relay).
The figure below shows the logic to be created in the application to use the bit 6 of the Client2_Server2.PollingBlock.PollingBlockGroup1.Status to detect the ethernet cable disconnection. The Client2_Server2.Polling-Block.PollingBlockGroup1.Cmd is changing every minute, which means that the BMENOP0300 is requesting the value of the Data Object selected on step 3, every second. The cable disconnection is detected if the bit6 value is 0 for longer than 1 second. As a reminder, this time can be customized for your application.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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