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How can I purchase a Facility Expert operations or energy subscription to benefit from the HeatTag cable overheat alarms with PrismaSeT Active?

Article available in these languages: Nederlands

You can contact your preferred Shneider official distributor to order your subscription. You have the choice between a one year or three-year subscription plan.

Once you have bought it you will receive a subscription code in your email box. You will have to enter this code in EcoStruxure™ Facility Expert app to activate your subscription plan.
Activation code in Facility Expert

You can find some of the references you can order attached here:

- FE Energy 1 year: SVSFE0002
- FE Operations 1 year: SVSFE0003
- FE Energy 3 years: SVSFE0002A3
- FE Operations 3 years: SVSFE0003A3

Schneider Electric Belgium

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