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How do I know if the wireless panel server is actually connected to the LoRa network?

Article available in these languages: Nederlands

You will know if the wireless panel server is connected to the LoRa network if it is already associated with EcoStruxure Facility Expert.
There are two different cases:
If the wireless panel server is already associated with Facility Expert:
  • The LED is solid green: the wireless panel server is connected.
  • The LED is flashing orange: the wireless panel server has lost the LoRa network.
The only way to ensure that the wireless panel server is connected without the association with Facility Expert is to use a LoRa tester. Note that you have the option to perform an eligibility test to estimate your coverage level.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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PrismaSeT ActiveEcoStruxure™ Facility ExpertPrismaSeT P ActivePrismaSeT G Active
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PrismaSeT ActiveEcoStruxure™ Facility ExpertPrismaSeT P ActivePrismaSeT G Active