Background color on legend holder on XB4/ZB4 metal push buttons
Product Line:
Push Buttons and Operator Interface
22 mm Harmony XB4/ZB4 Metal Push Buttons
On a ZBY2101 one side is red and the other is black. When engraved the lettering will be white. On a ZBY4101 one side is white and the other is yellow. When engraved the lettering will be black.
Background color on legend holder on XB4/ZB4 metal push buttons
Product Line:
Push Buttons and Operator Interface
22 mm Harmony XB4/ZB4 Metal Push Buttons
On a ZBY2101 one side is red and the other is black. When engraved the lettering will be white. On a ZBY4101 one side is white and the other is yellow. When engraved the lettering will be black.
Released for:Schneider Electric Canada