Is there a padlock attachment for the KA, KAL, KH or KHL frame circuit breakers?
Product Line:
Molded case circuit breakers
KA, KAL, KH, KHL type Circuit Breakers
The catalog number is HPAFK. It allows the breaker to be locked ON or OFF. This attachment works on FA, FH, FC, FI, FY Series 2, KA, KH, KC, KI circuit breakers.
Is there a padlock attachment for the KA, KAL, KH or KHL frame circuit breakers?
Product Line:
Molded case circuit breakers
KA, KAL, KH, KHL type Circuit Breakers
The catalog number is HPAFK. It allows the breaker to be locked ON or OFF. This attachment works on FA, FH, FC, FI, FY Series 2, KA, KH, KC, KI circuit breakers.