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Video: How to export datalogs from ION Setup in CSV and HHF formats

User wants to convert HHF file to CSV format

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ION Setup

ION Setup
HHF file to CSV format


NOTE: Take backups of all your files before make any changes.

You will need the latest version of ION Setup to make the changes below.
The latest version of the software can be found here

Held File Format (HHF) for MV90 systems contains the memory image of the meter and Load Profile meter data according to the MV90 standard. This format is used to upload Load Profile data, visual meter reads, event (history) data, and other types of recorder and/or register information into the MV90 system.

This article explains how to convert an existing HHF file into CSV format using ION Setup.

1. Connect to the meter with ION Setup.

2. Right-click on the meter and select Properties.

3. Select the Display tab.

4. Note the Template Type and Template Options.

device properties in ION Setup

  • 5. Browse to ..\ION Setup\Tables\<Template Type>\<Template Options>\Data Recorders (Template Type and Template Options are the values determined in Step #4).

    6. Right-click on the file "Energy & Demand.pml" and select Properties.

    7. Un-check the "Read Only" option and click OK.

    8. Open the file "Energy & Demand.pml" using a text editor (like Notepad).

    9. Once the file is open in the text editor, note the following parameters toward the bottom of the file:
    • POPUPNUM=1

      MENUITEM1=0,0,Filter Records

    10. Replace the entire section with the following parameters:
    • POPUPNUM=4

      MENUITEM1=0,0,Filter Records

      MENUITEM2=2,1,Export CSV

      MENUITEM3=2,2,Export HHF

      MENUITEM4=2,0,Import HHF

    11. Save the file and re-connect to the meter using ION Setup.

    12. Open the Energy and Demand Data Screen.

    13. Right-click on the screen and select Import HHF from the pop-up menu.

    14. Right-click on the screen again, select Export CSV from the pop-up menu, and save the log in CSV format.
example of data viewing in ION Setup

Schneider Electric Canada

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