Hubs for MPR66125 Meter-Pak
Product Line:
Metering Equipment
MP Meter-Pak
This Meter-Paks` utility compartment will accept two A-L type hubs (2`` through 4``) in the top endwall. Closing Plates, ACPL, are factory installed on the top endwall for a bottom cable entry application. The bottom endwall will also accept two A-L type hubs (2`` through 4``).
Hubs for MPR66125 Meter-Pak
Product Line:
Metering Equipment
MP Meter-Pak
This Meter-Paks` utility compartment will accept two A-L type hubs (2`` through 4``) in the top endwall. Closing Plates, ACPL, are factory installed on the top endwall for a bottom cable entry application. The bottom endwall will also accept two A-L type hubs (2`` through 4``).