Assistance is needed in configuring Network Management Card 2 control policy (dry contact & relay I/O) configuration or verifying steps were followed properly.
Product Line
- UPS Network Management Card 2
- AP9631/AP9631CH
- AP9631/AP9631CH
- All serial numbers
- Firmware versions v5.X.X, v6.X.X
For an AP9631 Network Management Card with up to two connected APC Dry Contact I/O Accessories (AP9810), you can configure its outputs to respond to events, and you can configure the UPS and outputs to respond to input alarms. Instructions are provided to assist in configuration.
Follow the steps below in order to configure or verify an existing configuration.
--> To begin with v5.1.X, you will want to check under the Environment Tab and set the Input Contacts and Output Relays to the desired normal state and set their severity, if applicable. Make sure you enable the input contact you wish to use or else the configuration will not be active.
--> To begin with v6.X.X, you will want to check under Configuration->Universal I/O->Input Contacts and Output Relays to the desired normal state and set their severity, if applicable. Make sure you enable the input contact you wish to use or else the configuration will not be active.
Configuring an output to respond to an event (v5.1.X)
1.) Select the UPS tab, Control Policy in the top menu bar, and by event under Event Actions on the left navigation menu.
2.) Click a category name to view all of the events in the category, or click a sub-category name to view the events in that sub-category.
3.) In the list of events, review the marked columns to see whether the required event is already configured to change the state of the output relay.
4.) To change the current configuration, click the event name, select the output relay that will change state when this event is detected, and click Apply.
Note: Control Policy configuration for output relay actions are currently unsupported for events that do not have a clearing event. For additional details, please review knowledge base article ID FA235716.
Configuring an output to respond to an event (v6.X.X)
1.) Select the Configuration menu->Universal I/O->Control Policy.
2.) Select Add Policy.
3.) Click a category name to view all of the events in the category, or click a sub-category name to view the events in that sub-category.
4.) In the list of events, review the marked columns to see whether the required event is already configured to change the state of the output relay.
5.) To change the current configuration, click the event name, select the output relay that will change state when this event is detected, and click Save Policy.
Note: Control Policy configuration for output relay actions are currently unsupported for events that do not have a clearing event. For additional details, please review knowledge base article ID FA235716.
Configuring the UPS or output to respond to an input alarm (v5.1.X)
1.) Select the UPS tab, Control Policy in the top menu bar, and by event under Event Actions on the left navigation menu.
2.) Click I/O Contact, then click the name of the event to configure.
3.) The Management Card supports up to four inputs. You must specify the input that will be associated with this event.
a.) In the Port drop-down list, select the Universal Sensor Port number (1 or 2) to which the Dry Contact I/O Accessory is installed.
b.) In the Zone drop-down list, select the zone letter (A or B) of the contact to which the input is installed.
4.) Define the action the UPS will perform when the input changes state, and select the output that will change state when this event is detected.
5.) Review your changes then click Apply.
Configuring the UPS or output to respond to an input alarm (v6.X.X)
1.) Select the Configuration menu->Universal I/O->Control Policy.
2.) Select Add Policy.
3.) Click I/O Contact, then click the name of the event to configure.
4.) Define the action the UPS will perform when the input changes state, and select the output that will change state when this event is detected.
5.) Review your changes and then click Save Policy.