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NetBotz sensors with custom names report incorrectly if swapped with a different sensor type.

NetBotz sensors with custom names report incorrectly if swapped with a different sensor type.

Product Line:

Botzware 5.3.5 (maybe others)

If you plug a NetBotz sensor into a universal sensor port and give it a custom name them replace it with a different sensor type, you may see sensor name, alarm severity, connection status, sensor type from the original sensor when polling the NetBotz appliance via modbus.

For instance, if you install a temperature sensor, give it a custom name, they unplug that sensor and plug in a spot leak sensor, you may see an output something like "Temperature = No Leak"

The only way to correct this is to disconnect the sensor in that port and delete the sensor in the user interface.
Once deleted, plug the new sensor in and reconfigure it.

Schneider Electric Chile

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