The setting file for a MiCOM relay needs to be configured to be compatible with the new MiCOM relay.
Product Line
Easergy Studio
MiCOM Px2x, Px3x, Px4x
Easergy Studio
When a new MiCOM is installed, the old settings file is often not compatible with the new MiCOM relay.
Below are the steps on how to convert a MiCOM setting file and a video demonstrating the process.
1. Open MiCOM S1 Studio
2. Open your existing system, or if no system is created, create one using the relay model number that you have.
3. Give the system a name and a save path, then click ok.
4. Right-click on system and choose new device.
5. Select the series of the device to drill down to the exact model number.
6. Choose the model type that you have and then click next.
7. Choose the model number and then click next.
8. Specify the protocol for the MiCOM.
9. Enter a device name and comment if desired. Then click Finish.
10. Right-click on settings then select Add Existing File. Locate the file and open it.
11. The file will be displayed as a subsection beneath settings. Right-click on this settings file and select Convert Settings File.
12. Select the new model relay and then click Finish. Select the location to save the converted settings file and then click save.
13. After converting you may see a message with warnings about potential feature incompatibilities. You can Close this message to proceed.
14. The next message asks you to compare settings files to see differences. Click OK to continue.
15. The new file will not open automatically. You must add a new device to match the converted settings file and then add the file we created. This can be done exactly as we did with the original device.
16. The new file will now be shown and may be edited as necessary.
Publikováno pro:Schneider Electric Česká republika