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How to calculate the IDMT Curves for MiCOM and SEPAM relays

Article available in these languages: Česká

Need to know how to calculate the IDMT curves for the MiCOM and SEPAM relays

Product Lines

Tripping IDMT Curves

Attached are the two tools to calculate the IDMT Curves for the all the MiCOM and all the SEPAM relays.
Note: The tools are not interchangeable.  Unprotect sheets to work with formulas.  Charts are not included.

Conversion of TMS (Time Multiplier Setting) to Time delay (seconds):

TMS graph

Schneider Electric Česká republika


MiCOM IDMT Curves Calculator.xlsxMiCOM IDMT Curves Calculator.xlsx [11.44 KB]
SEPAM_Protection.xlsxSEPAM_Protection.xlsx [22.2 KB]