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How to find the model number, serial number, product ID and product key of APC Smart-UPS Ultra On-Line Lithium ion (SRTL3KRM1UC,SRTL3KRM1UINC,SRTL3KRM1UNC SRTL2K2RM1UC SRTL2K2RM1UNC)

Issue: Locating the necessary identification of APC Smart-UPS Ultra (Lithium Ion) UPS


Answer: (see the 3 options)

Option 1: Via DISPLAY (Unit Interface)
1.Click the Menu
2.Select the "About' section then hit enter or (check key)
3.Select "UPS" then hit enter or (check key)
4.Then use up or down arrow to navigate the model identification and serial
5. For  Mac address and product key, after step 1 to 2, choose network section to verify the other details.
(see the following images below:)
Via Display
Option 2: Via BARCODE attached to UPS:
1. Remove the front panel or bezel.
2. Locate the plastic insulator at the middle of the front of the UPS.
3.Hold and slowly pull out a piece of plastic insulator where the model, serial, ID and  product key are attached.
(see the following images below:)
Capture 1.JPG
Option 3: Via Embedded NMC
1. Search the assign IP address and open the NMC web browser.
2. Go to "ABOUT" section then choose/select "UPS" and hit enter.
(see the following images below:)
Via Embedded NMC

Schneider Electric Česká republika

How to find the model number, serial number, product ID and product key of APC Smart-UPS Ultra On-Line Lithium ion (SRTL3KRM1UC,SRTL3KRM1UINC,SRTL3KRM1UNC SRTL2K2RM1UC SRTL2K2RM1UNC)

Issue: Locating the necessary identification of APC Smart-UPS Ultra (Lithium Ion) UPS


Answer: (see the 3 options)

Option 1: Via DISPLAY (Unit Interface)
1.Click the Menu
2.Select the "About' section then hit enter or (check key)
3.Select "UPS" then hit enter or (check key)
4.Then use up or down arrow to navigate the model identification and serial
5. For  Mac address and product key, after step 1 to 2, choose network section to verify the other details.
(see the following images below:)
Via Display
Option 2: Via BARCODE attached to UPS:
1. Remove the front panel or bezel.
2. Locate the plastic insulator at the middle of the front of the UPS.
3.Hold and slowly pull out a piece of plastic insulator where the model, serial, ID and  product key are attached.
(see the following images below:)
Capture 1.JPG
Option 3: Via Embedded NMC
1. Search the assign IP address and open the NMC web browser.
2. Go to "ABOUT" section then choose/select "UPS" and hit enter.
(see the following images below:)
Via Embedded NMC


Schneider Electric Česká republika

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