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How to install PowerChute Business Edition or PowerChute Serial Shutdown Agent

How to install PowerChute Business Edition 9.5, 10.x, or PowerChute Serial Shutdown Agent

PowerChute Business Edition v 9.5, 10.x Agent
PowerChute Serial Shutdown Agent v1.x

PowerChute Business Edition all supported OS
PowerChute Serial Shutdown version 1.x all supported OS



First, download PowerChute from Se.com.


Second, Uncompress the installer.

Third, Run the installer and follow the prompts.

On Windows: double-click on Setup.exe to run the installer from the folder in which the installer has been uncompressed.

On Linux: run the commands from the directory to which the installer has been downloaded.

gunzip pcssagent-
tar -xvf pcssagent-

See the attached PDFs and the PowerChute Serial Shutdown videos.

Schneider Electric Algeria

Pièce(s) jointe(s)
PowerChute Serial Shutdown v1.0 Installation Guide.pdf [1.3 MB]
PCBE10.x-Installation-Guide.pdf [1.25 MB]
PCBE9.5-Installation-Guide.pdf [533.38 KB]
PCSS-1.2-Installation-Guide.pdf [2.97 MB]
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