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DC Injection Braking is used to hold a load in position after the motor has stopped. This is done by injecting DC voltage into the motor creating holding torque. DC braking is not meant when a large holding capacity is required. For this, we recommend the use of a mechanical brake.
Dynamic braking is used when regeneration from the motor results in an increase in the drive's DC bus voltage. The DC bus voltage rise can occur while the drive is running, accelerates, decelerates, or even when it is stopped. This increase in bus voltage can potentially cause a high DC voltage trip.
On a system with dynamic braking, if the DC bus reaches a specific threshold of DC bus voltage, the chopper circuit in the dynamic brake (braking unit) triggers to absorb the energy.
Dynamic braking is used when regeneration from the motor results in an increase in the drive's DC bus voltage. The DC bus voltage rise can occur while the drive is running, accelerates, decelerates, or even when it is stopped. This increase in bus voltage can potentially cause a high DC voltage trip.
On a system with dynamic braking, if the DC bus reaches a specific threshold of DC bus voltage, the chopper circuit in the dynamic brake (braking unit) triggers to absorb the energy.