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How to check an ION module's execution/update rate?
The user wants to check the update/execution rate of a particular ION module

Product Line
ION 7300/7550/7650, PM8000, ION 8600/8650

ION Setup 3.0

This article describes how to check the update rate of an ION module using ION setup 3.0:
  1. Toggle the advanced setup mode in ION setup by holding CTRL + Alt and then left-clicking on the meter.
  2. Navigate to the desired ION module folder ( in this example, the DNP export modules).ION Setup Modules
  3. Hold Ctrl and right-click on the meter to show the following selection menu.ION Setup Selection Modules
  4. Select the Read Update Period to display the execution rate screen as shown below.ION Setup Update image

Schneider Electric España

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