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Bacnet communication setup for ATV61 drive

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How do you configure the ATV61 for BACnet communications?

Product Line:
Altivar 61 with optional BACnet option card.


BACnet setup assistance.

ATV61 implementation of BACnet:


New Part # VW3A3319 after 2011

Old Part # VW3A3315 before 2011

Compatible with the ATV61 only.  Will not work on an ATV71!

Requires V1.2 or higher software version inside the ATV61.

The new VW3A3319 option card has the preferred 4 pin screw terminal connector.
Pinouts for the new card.
A= -
B= +

The old VW3A3315 option card has a female DB9 connector.  This is not common in the BACnet world and causes problems on many installations.  Recommend Phoenix contact part # SUBCON-PLUS ref 2761389 or equal.

Pin 3 is -

Pin 4 is Ground (actually signal common)

Pin 7 is +

Option card also has 2 "Polarization switches".  These are used to connect the Pull Up and Pull Down resistors on the option card.  Only one device on the RS485 network needs to have these resistors connected in the circuit, and normally that is the controller.  Under normal conditions, leave them both in the Lower position (closer to the heat sink of the drive) unless there are network connection/reliability issues.

There are 8 DIP switches used to set the Address.  Acceptable addresses are between 1 and 127.  The address setting can be read via the keypad in menu 1.9.

Programming in the Drive:

Configuration is done under Menu 1.9: Communications, under the BACN submenu.

Address: Read only parameter.  Displays the address set by the DIP Switches on the card.

Bit Rate: Sets the speed of communication between the drive and the client.  Options are AUTO, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 76800.  Default is AUTO.  All devices on the RS485 network must communicate at the same Bit Rate (also known as Baud Rate).

Format: Read only parameter, this is fixed at 8-N-1.  Stands for 8 Data bits, No Parity, and 1 Stop bit.   All devices on the RS485 network must be set to the same format.

Time-Out:  Adjustable between 0.1 and 60.0 seconds (1 to 600 tenths).  Sets the time before the drive will "Time Out" indicating a loss of communication with the controller.

Instance Number:  Adjustable between 0 and 4194303.  This must be unique for each device on the network, and we recommend it be set higher than the Address.

Max Devices: Adjustable between 0 and 127.  Sets the Maximum number of devices allowed on the network.   Reducing this number can improve network speed and data through put.

Max Info Frames:  Adjustable between 1 and 100.  Sets the time period (# of Frames) that the drive "owns" the Token.   Lower numbers will increase network speed, but may not allow the drive to update all parameters on one scan.  Higher numbers will allow full data transfer, but slower update times. Factory default is supposed to be 10, but we've had several reports of this being set to 1, which causes problems.

Data rate used:  Read Only.  Displays the Bit rate (Baud rate) the drive is actually communicating at.  Useful if using the AUTO setting for Bit Rate.

Frame Counter:  Read Only.  Displays the total number of Frames received by the drive sine the last power on.  If this number is very low, or not increasing, then it indicates network problems.

Invalid Frame Counter:  Read Only. Displays the number of bad frames received since the last power on.  If this number is High or increasing rapidly it indicates network problems.

Experience with the BACnet cards so far:

Difficulty connecting to some controllers (Alerton) at 76800.   Reducing the Bit Rate to 38400 or less seems to correct this issue.   France is checking into this.

Auto Bit Rate setting doesn't always work:   Can happen if there is noise or distortion on the network.  Programming the actual Bit Rate used helps.

8 Series and I/O Profile settings are not supported by the BACnet Option card on ATV61.

ILF (Internal Com.link fault) indicates a problem with the drive or option card.  Go to menu 1.10:Diagnostics under More Fault Info to get the details on ATV61

As with all other networks, duplicate addresses and/or duplicate Instance ID's will cause lots of problems.

Proper cable routing must be followed.  Keep network cable away from power wiring, especially the motor leads.

Improper Grounding can be a significant source of noise.  Make sure the drive and the motor are grounded properly.

Schneider Electric Hong Kong

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