The brightness of XVU single color modular as below:
Direction of measurement in 90 degree:
RED (XVUC24): 702, Orange (XVUC25):775, GREEN (XVUC23):470, BLUE(XVUC26):61, WHITE(XVUC27):659
The brightness of multicolor modular (XVUC29) as below:
Direction of measurement in 90 degree:
RED: 321, Orange:366, GREEN:432, BLUE:98, WHITE:190
But as you know, typically we don't write the brightness in our spec. because it is a just reference values and the final results will be impacted by the environmental brightness and test distance.
Direction of measurement in 90 degree:
RED (XVUC24): 702, Orange (XVUC25):775, GREEN (XVUC23):470, BLUE(XVUC26):61, WHITE(XVUC27):659
The brightness of multicolor modular (XVUC29) as below:
Direction of measurement in 90 degree:
RED: 321, Orange:366, GREEN:432, BLUE:98, WHITE:190
But as you know, typically we don't write the brightness in our spec. because it is a just reference values and the final results will be impacted by the environmental brightness and test distance.