Based on General Requirements for Electrical Installations (PUIL), prevention of interference current to flow through the human body, animals, and anything that causes a fire, need additional tools in addition to the MCB, the ELCB. RCBO is a combination between MCB and ELCB in one product with the same width which is 18 mm, thus saving space and more simple in terms of installation.
Facts About Electricity
73% of the number of fires in Jakarta in 2016 caused by electricity
The electric current flowing in humans is 80 mA cause disturbances in heart
According to Law No. 30 of Article 29 th, 2009, the consumer shall implement safeguards against hazards due to the use of electricity
5 Keunggulan RCBO Slim Domae
3 in 1
3 Proteksi dalam 1 Produk: Beban Lebih + Hubung Singkat + Arus Bocor (Kesetrum)
Dimensi Ramping
Dimensi ramping dengan lebar 18 mm, sama dengan lebar 1 MCB
5 Keunggulan RCBO Slim Domae
Cukup lepaskan MCB, ganti dengan RCBO Slim Domae, dan memasang kabel netral
5 Keunggulan RCBO Slim Domae
Cukup lepaskan MCB, ganti dengan RCBO Slim Domae, dan memasang kabel netral
5 Keunggulan RCBO Slim Domae
Cukup lepaskan MCB, ganti dengan RCBO Slim Domae, dan memasang kabel netral