Although, the real energy consumption is stored as a 32-bit floating point value and is held across two registers, the max kWh value is not equal to 4,294,967,296 kWh (which is 2^32). Instead, the maximum real energy accumulation is dependent upon the model of enercept or energy meter. See the table below.
CT Size kWh/Count Max 32-bit Accumulator Max kWh
100 0.0078 4,294,967,296 33,554,432
200 0.15625 4,294,967,296 67,108,864
300/400 0.03125 4,294,967,296 134,217,728
800 0.0625 4,294,967,296 268,435,456
1600 0.125 4,294,967,296 536,870,912
2400 0.25 4,294,967,296 1,073,741,824
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL199011 V1.0, Originally authored by AnVa on 05/28/2009, Last Edited by AnVa on 05/28/2009
Related ranges: PowerLogic Energy Meter, Enercept
Released for:Schneider Electric India