ATV11, ATV12, ATV312 (or ATV31), ATV320, ATV630/650, and ATV930/950 drive ranges
ATV11, ATV12, ATV31, and ATV312 drives do not include the motor thermal monitoring function via PTC probe. However, this function can easily be provided by a dedicated monitoring module.
See the LT3S range of thermal protection units For PTC thermistor probes (these units are NOT ATEX APPROVED).
Connection recommendations for probes:
Check that the motor probes are PTC technology, not PT100 - the LT3S range only works with PTC probes.
Check that the motor has 3 probes wired in series in the motor providing a total of 750 ohms at 20°C.
If the motor only has single-resistor probes (surface probe), the probes on 3 motors can be wired in series and connected to a single LT3S.
See the information on LT3 modules at the end of the document.
Check that the motor has 3 probes wired in series in the motor providing a total of 750 ohms at 20°C.
If the motor only has single-resistor probes (surface probe), the probes on 3 motors can be wired in series and connected to a single LT3S.
See the information on LT3 modules at the end of the document.
On the ATV11’s or ATV12’s you will have to inhibit the control or power circuit or both using the output from the LT3S as there is no external fault parameter.
Where as on the ATV31 and ATV312 you would use the no – volt output contact of the LT3S and connect it across +24 V and an LIx assigned to a stop function. Then in the FLt- (fault) menu you select EtF (external fault trip) and set that for the input LIx on which you have connected the LT3S.
As the out put from the LT3S is a Normally Closed contact you will have to change the configuration of the fault still in the FLt- menu this time parameter LEt is changed from HIG to LO so the fault is active when the input changes to 0V. (open circuit stops the drive).
ATV61 and ATV71 drive ranges
Thermal monitoring via PTC probes is provided on ATV61 and ATV71 drives by specific inputs.
Common characteristics of these inputs
Nominal value < 1.5 kohms: This corresponds to a maximum of 6 probes (250 ohms at 20°C) or to two sets of 3 (sometimes prewired in the motors).
Trip resistance 3 kohms
Reset value 1.8 kohms
Short-circuit protection < 50 ohms
Nominal value < 1.5 kohms: This corresponds to a maximum of 6 probes (250 ohms at 20°C) or to two sets of 3 (sometimes prewired in the motors).
Trip resistance 3 kohms
Reset value 1.8 kohms
Short-circuit protection < 50 ohms
Location of the inputs
Input LI6 on the terminal block can be used : Wire the PTC probes between terminals LI6 and 0V; this input is seen as a PTC input if switch SW2 is set to PTC.
Or if you have the add on option card fitted:
Input TH1+/TH1- on the VW3A3201 option card
Input TH2+/TH2- on the VW3A3202 option card
The parameter setting will differ according to the PTC input selected:
Input LI6
In the menu [ 1.8 Fault Management ] (FLt-) you select the input as LI6 = PTC probe which is only accessible if SW2 is set to PTC. Then you choose from the options below which one meets you application
No: Input not used (factory setting)
Always: PTC probe faults are monitored continuously, even when the power section is off (provided the control section power is on)
Power ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the drive's power section is supplied with power
Motor ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the motor power is on
Input TH1+/TH1-
In the menu [ 1.8 Fault Management ] (FLt-) you select the input as PTC1 probe, which is only accessible if the options card VW3A3201 is fitted. Again you choose from the options below
No: Input not used (factory setting)
Always: PTC probe faults are monitored continuously, even when the power section is off (provided the control section power is on)
Power ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the drive's power section is supplied with power
Motor ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the motor power is on
Always: PTC probe faults are monitored continuously, even when the power section is off (provided the control section power is on)
Power ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the drive's power section is supplied with power
Motor ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the motor power is on
Input TH2+/TH2-
In the menu [ 1.8 Fault Management ] (FLt-) you select the input as PTC2 probe, which is only accessible if the options card VW3A3202 is fitted
No: Input not used (factory setting)
Always: PTC probe faults are monitored continuously, even when the power section is off (provided the control section power is on)
Power ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the drive's power section is supplied with power
Motor ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the motor power is on
Always: PTC probe faults are monitored continuously, even when the power section is off (provided the control section power is on)
Power ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the drive's power section is supplied with power
Motor ON: PTC probe faults are monitored when the motor power is on
Faults generated by probes:
Motor overheating
Probe break fault
Probe short-circuit fault
ATV32 and ATV320 range.
The ATV32 and ATV320 range can have only one set of PTC’s fitted at LI6 and COM and the program is the same as for 61 and 71 by selection of the LI6 to PTC selector switch
ATV21 drive range ( the ATV212 drive uses the same parameter sets but the PTC is selected by the SW100 switch set to the PTC position no need for the 3.3kohm resister as mentioned below).
Thermal monitoring via PTC probes is possible using the VIB analogue input.
Wire a 3.3 kohm ¼ Watt resistor between terminals PP and VIB,( not on the ATV212 drive, use PTC switch) then wire the 3 probes in series between terminals VIB and CC.
Wire a 3.3 kohm ¼ Watt resistor between terminals PP and VIB,( not on the ATV212 drive, use PTC switch) then wire the 3 probes in series between terminals VIB and CC.
Parameter setting
Set parameter F645 to 1 or 2 (both these values convert VIB to a thermal probe input)
F645 = 1 (default mode: OH2 alarm and drive stopped)
F645 = 2 (alarm only mode: OH2)
Set F646 to the PTC threshold detection value
ATV630/650 and ATV930/950 drive ranges
Connect to AI2 - AI3 sensor inputs and are software configurable as follows:
- PT100
- 1 or 3 thermal sensors mounted in series (configurable by software)
- Sensor current: 5 mA
- Range –20...200°C (–4...392°F)
- Accuracy +/– 4°C (39°F) for a temperature variation of 60°C (140°F)
- PT1000
- 1 or 3 thermal sensors mounted in series (configurable by software)
- Thermal sensor current: 1 mA
- Range –20...200°C (–4...392°F)
- Accuracy +/– 4°C (39°F) for a temperature variation of 60°C (140°F)
- 6 sensors maximum mounted in series
- Sensor current: 1 mA
- Nominal value: < 1.5 kΩ
- Overheat trigger threshold: 2.9 kΩ ± 0.2 kΩ
- Overheat reset threshold: 1.575 kΩ ± 0.75 kΩ
- Threshold for low impedance detection: 50 Ω –10 Ω/+20 Ω
- Protected for low impedance < 1000 Ω
- KTY84
- 1 thermal sensor
- Thermal sensor current: 1 mA
- Range –20...200°C (–4...392°F)
- Accuracy +/– 4°C (39°F) for a temperature variation of 60°C (140°F)
- Water Level Sensor
- Sensitivity: 0...1 MΩ, adjustable by software
- Water level sensor current: 0.3 mA...1 mA maximum
- Adjustable delay: 0...10 s
The maximum cable distances between the drive and sensors are as follows:
Released for:Schneider Electric India