We can convert both PSL & Setting File when the Model numbers of both the relays are the same but different SW, HW (12,13,15th digit).
For Conversion Please follow the below steps.
1) Extract the existing relay configuration files using MiCOM S1 Studio / Easergy Studio
2) Convert the existing relay setting file to a new relay model number using the setting conversion tool in Studio
3) Compare the existing file and new file using the studio compare tool and confirm no difference.
4) Quick connect to the new relay
5) Add the converted setting file to the new relay
6) Add the default PSL file to the new relay.
7) Delete the default logic configuration in the added file
8) Copy the existing relay PSL logic configuration from the old relay and paste it into the new relay PSL file. (it will take some time. Please wait)
9) Configure input, output contact & LED as per existing relay configuration. Check thoroughly the created PSL.
10) Write the SET & PSL file to the relay
11) Test and confirm proper relay functioning (pre-commissioning testing)