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How to troubleshoot CANOpen communication using BMECXM module with M580? For example, ATV process with BMECXM module.

Refer to the below steps.

  1. Security is the main reason. Unlock the Security under the DTM configuration. Open Control Expert, select processor. Double-click on security and unlock the securities. Double-click on BMECXM module, and click on the service configuration tool which is available in Advance Configuration. Click on security tap and click on unlock security. Click on Apply and save. Refer to the below screenshot for more details.Ist
  2. Set the transmission speed of BMECXM which should be same as in ATV930. Refer the below screen shot.sec
  3. Open the CanOpen bus and check the node address parameter which should be the same with derive.third
  4. Check the DTM which should be compatible with the firmware of the drive(device).
  5. Rebuild the program and transfer to PLC.
  6. Verify the wiring details as per below.forth
  7. Open the DDT variable in the animation table of Control Expert and check the can health bit. Refer to the below snapshot.fifth
Note: We recommend using a shield cable for communication of ATV930 with BMECXM0100 via cantap.

Schneider Electric India

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