TeSys GV2, LC
Automatic motor starter combinations up to 15 kW/400 V Combination automatic motor starters up to 15 kW/400 VPart of TeSysView Products TeSys GV2-ME
Thermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers Enclosed DOL starters, safety switch disconnectors, thermal-magnetic motor circuit breakersPart of TeSysView details Launch Product Selector TeSys LE DOL starters
DOL (DIRECT-ON-LINE) starters and equipment up to 132 kW/400 V Protect your induction motors from all types of damage with Schneider Electric India’s DOL starters. Our DOL starters or dol motor starter for equipment up to 132 kW/400 V are the ideal options for you. These compact, ergonomically designed starters can even be wall-mounted or installed to facilitate local control.Part of TeSysView Products Launch Product Selector