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FAQ 검색
What is the duty cycle for the ATS48 unit?
ATS48 duty cycle

Product Line:
ATS48 soft starts

Duty cycle


In standard duty applications, the ATS48 soft starter is designed to provide: Starting at 400% of IN for 12 seconds, or 300% of IN for 23 seconds, with a load factor of 50% and 10 starts per hour or an equivalent thermal cycling.
In severe duty applications, the ATS48 soft starter is designed to provide: Starting at 400% of IN for 48 seconds, or 300% of IN for 90 seconds, from a cold state Starting at 400% of IN for 25 seconds with a load factor of 50% and 5 starts per hour or an equivalent thermal cycling the motor thermal protection conforms to Class 20 thermal overload protection.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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