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FAQ 검색

For the ATV71 or ATV61 using serial communications, how are the units determined for energy consumption or operating time?

What are the type of units for energy consumption or operating time on AT61/71 when using serial communications?

Product Line:
Altivar 61, Altivar 71

Serial communications


The UNT is of type, word and is a Read Only register in the ATV71 (addr 3234).
It is used internally to determine the proper units to display for time and energy readings.

See the description for the following parameters to determine which bits of word 3234 are used for the corresponding values.

The Pth, Aph, Rth, Rthi are displayed on the ATV71 with the proper units shown s, m, hr. So, this UNT reading was left out of the communication parameter manual.

**See the Communication parameters manual or spreadsheet for further information.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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