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FAQ 검색

Do not add Sensor Pods to a Netbotz Version 3 appliance while a firmware upgrade is in process.


Do not add Sensor Pods to a Netbotz Version 3 appliance while a firmware upgrade is in process.

Product Line:



NetBotz version 3 firmware upgrades.


During the upgrade of a version 3 NetBotz appliance, the appliance will also attempt to update the firmware on any connected NBPD0155 or NBPD0155 sensor pod. If another pod is added while the firmware upgrade is in progress, the process of upgrading the sensor pods could stall resulting in the pods not receiving the appropriate upgrade..


APC suggests not adding any pods during an upgrade of the device. If this has been done and a sensor pod does not get upgraded, a reboot of the appliance will allow the appliance to restart the procedure of upgrading the sensor pods.

Note that a similar issue could happen if an extra power supply is being used to power the sensor pods and it is removed during upgrade. Pods removed during upgrade will also not be updated.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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