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슈나이더 일렉트릭 코리아 웹사이트에 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 코리아 웹사이트 방문자 분들 모두 환영합니다.

FAQ 검색

Why is the CB status of Sepam Series 40 displayed with ‘?’ mark in PowerLogic SCADA?

If you have a problem as per below, you need to check 2 things.

a. The hard-wired signals from the CB which are for CB On/Off status must be connected to Sepam 40 following the default IO setting. (Please take a Sepam 40 manual for more details.)

b. Device closed tag must be added into your project.

You can find this tag under Sepam Series 40 with default IO device type -> Miscellaneous -> Real Time Tags in PowerLogic SCADA Profile Editor.

Check also last Updated information from our PowerLogic L3 Team

Key words and phrases:

question mark, meaning, signification, signify, mean, what


Original Author: YJ


All content © 1992-2009 Schneider Electric

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL200477 V2.0, Originally authored by KBAdPM on 11/11/2009, Last Edited by DaMi on 01/22/2010
Related ranges: Sepam series 40, PowerLogic SCADA 7.1

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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AVEVA™ Plant SCADASepam series 40
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AVEVA™ Plant SCADASepam series 40