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FAQ 검색

How can I determine the MAC address of a PM8ECC, EGX or ECC21?

Product Line:
PM8ECC, ECC21, EGX100, EGX300, EGX200, EGX400

PM800 series meter with PM8ECC and CM4xxx or CM3xxx with ECC21
EGX gateway

There are several methods for finding the MAC address of a PM8ECC, EGX or ECC21.
  1. Customer can find the MAC address from label on PM8ECC, EGX or ECC21. (It’s usually 12 digit long in hex)
  2. Customer can view the MAC address from the webpage (Diagnostics tab) of the PM8ECC, EGX or ECC21.
  3. Lastly, the customer can find MAC address from command prompt:
    • Verify the IP address for PM8ECC, EGX or ECC21
    • Open A Windows Command Prompt
    • Ping the PM8ECC, EGX or ECC21 in question
    • After pinging the device type 'arp -a' in the command window
This will show a IP table. Find the IP of the PM8ECC, EGX or ECC21 and the MAC Address will be listed to the right.


슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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PowerLogic PM8000 series
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PowerLogic PM8000 series