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슈나이더 일렉트릭 코리아 웹사이트 방문자 분들 모두 환영합니다.

FAQ 검색

What quantity does V Avg represent on the front panel display of an ION6200 in delta mode?

The ION6200 can measure V L-L Avg as well as V L-N Avg, however in delta mode, since there is no neutral, V L-N Avg is not available. What is shown on the front panel display is V L-L Avg and it is labeled V Avg. The meter's firmware is designed to display this quantity on the front panel. Having said that, V L-N Avg is available through Modbus or ION protocol with any ION software.

  • Date Created: June 13, 2008
    Last Revised: February 16, 2009
    Original Author: KG
    All content © 1992-2009 Schneider Electric

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL197835 V1.0, Originally authored by KBAdPM on 02/17/2009, Last Edited by KBAdPM on 02/17/2009
Related ranges: ION6200

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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