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FAQ 검색
How do I access the Magelis XBT-GT system time and date from the panel.

How to access the Magelis XBT-GT system time and date from the panel

Product Line:

The system time and date adjustments can be made using the Runtime configuration.
There are two ways to access the Runtime configuration depending how it was configured in the Vijeo Designer project.

-2 Corner
-Top Left Corner

For the 2-corner option to work, you must touch the top left corner first, then the bottom right corner second in sequence, not at the same time. This action must be done within 1 second. You could also press the top right corner first, then the bottom left corner second.

For the Top-Left Corner option to work, you must wait until the actual application has started. Within 10 seconds, press the top left corner.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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