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FAQ 검색

Does Somachine support ZBRN1 DTM?

Looking for confirmation of support for ZBRN1 DTM in SoMachine

Product Line:

SoMachine v3.1 did not support the ZBRN1 DTMs. It supported only ZBRN2 which are for serial communications. The Harmony DTM is supported in SoMachine V4/V4.1 and onwards versions but not in V3.1.

The DTM can also be added to SoMachine V3.1 but it is validated for SoMachine versions > V4

(See Release notes of SoMachine)
Note: Only DTM for serial communication (ZBRN2) can be used in SoMachine V4.1 - Modbus TCP is not possible that time with SoMachine v4.1 (ZBRN1)!

Today if we check with SoMachine version v4.3, we can add ZBRN1 as Modbus TCP/IP slave

Note: Only DTM for serial communication (ZBRN2) can be used in SoMachine V4.1 - Modbus TCP is not possible that time with SoMachine v4.1 (ZBRN1)!
Today if we check with SoMachine version v4.3, we can add ZBRN1 as Modbus TCP/IP Server

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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