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FAQ 검색

How do I configure Vijeo Designer to play sound file on the HMI

How to configure Vijeo Designer to play sound file on the HMI

Product Line:
Vijeo Designer

Using Sound methods, you can play sound files (.wav, .daf) on the target machine. You can play one sound file at a time.
Note: Not all target machines support the playing of sound files. Refer to your target machine manual to check if it supports sound files.

1. You will need to add the sound file under the target environment.
2. You can use the system sound method below to play the file.

Sound.play : Plays the sound file once.
Sound.loop : Repeats playing the sound file.
Sound.stop : Interrupts and stops playing any sound files.

If using scripting to play a file, the string format should be Sound.play( "AliasName" ); where "AliasName" is the alias name given in the sound file editor

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