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FAQ 검색
Advance One Line Crashing with error "Password Encryption Failed - Cipher initialization failed" in the AdvanceOneLine Status log
Advance One Line crashes without any errors. However, there is an error in the advance one line Status log, which read "Password Encryption Failed - Cipher initialization failed"

Product Line

Powerlogic Scada 7.40

Starting runtime, and advance one line in PLScada

Running the Computer configuration multiple times and clicking on the "Register".


Solution 1

- Go to C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\PowerSCADA Expert\v7.40\User
- Go to the folder with the project name in use
- Open the advoneline.ini file with Notepad
- Delete the entries and leave only the first line
- Restart Advance One Line

Solution 2
- Go to C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\PowerSCADA Expert\v7.40\Config
- Rename PowerLogic.Cipher.dll.confg to PowerLogic.Cipher_old.dll.
- Restart Advance One Line

Renaming PowerLogic.Cipher.dll. forced it to regenerate the key for the machine

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea