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FAQ 검색
What PM800 resets are available in ION Setup 3.0
ION setup 3.0 can only clear alarm logs for the PM800 series. The customer wants to remotely trigger meter resets without utilizing a modbus testing tool (register writes)

Product Line
PM800 series

ION SETUP 3.0 build 14220

This article describes a workaround to enable meter resets directly from ION Setup 3.0. The Setup screen in ION Setup is customizable and many resets functionalities can be added as shown below:

The setup menu could be modified for either the default PM800 series template or any particular template. Before you begin, make sure ION Setup 3.0 is not running:
  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\ION Setup\tables\SQD800 and then select the default template you would like to modify
  2. Right click on Setup.cfg and uncheck the read only option
  3. Right click on Setup.cfg and edit using notepad
  4. Locate the [Meter Resets] section and modify it as shown in the text file attached
  5. Save the Setup.cfg file and then launch ION Setup 3.0
  6. Navigate to your device and make sure you choose the appropriate template options as shown below

*Note: The latest version of ION Setup is currently ION Setup 3.2 and can be downloaded from here: ION Setup Latest Release | Schneider Electric. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version of ION Setup.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

첨부 파일
NewMeter_reset.txt [642 Bytes]
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