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Video: How do I disable the Output Phase Loss on an Altivar ATV630 Process Drive?

Article available in these languages: 핀란드어

Disabling OPL on an ATV630 process drive.

Product Line:
ATV630 process drive

All models and serial numbers
Appl. V1.3 IE 07
MC: V1.3 IE 07


Go to menu 5 => [Complete settings] => 5.12 [Error/Warning handling] => [Output Phase Loss]
Setting                           Code / Value                          Description
[Function Inactive] nO                                    Function inactive
[OPF Error Triggered] YES                                 Tripping on [OutPhaseLoss Assign] OPL with freewheel stop - Factory setting
[No Error Triggered] OAC                                 No detected error triggered, but management of the output voltage in order to avoid an overcurrent when the link with the motor is reestablished and catch on the fly performed (even if this function has not been configured).The drive switches to [Output cut ]SOC state after [OutPhL Time] Odt time. Catch on fly is possible as soon as the drive is in stand by output cut [Output cut] SOC state.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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