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FAQ 검색

How do I change the temperature scale between Fahrenheit and Celsius on a NetBotz appliance web page?


How do I change the temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius on a NetBotz appliance web page?

Product Line:



NetBotz version 2 or 3, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx models


The web page of a NetBotz appliance will display the temperature scale based upon your computer's regional settings.


To change between Celsius and Fahrenheit, you must choose the regional settings on your computer to match the scale you would like to see. After making any such change, the web browser and all it's pages should be closed and re-opened in order for it to show the new temperature scale.

Please note this works in Internet Explorer but may not work in Firefox or Chrome.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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