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FAQ 검색
How can I find the part number, serial number, and other information on the ATV630 and ATV930 process drive via the keypad?

Article available in these languages: 스페인어

Can I check the part number, serial number, and other information on the ATV630 and ATV930 process drive using the keypad?

Product Line:
ATV600 and ATV900 series drives

All models, All serial numbers

Information not clear in current literature.

First access the Main Menu by pushing the button shaped like a House.
Then press the blank button below the left hand side of the display (display shows Drive ID directly above this button.)
This will give you access to the Drive Identification menu.
The values displayed are:
  • DEVN - This is the device number.  Example: ATV630U07M3
  • kW/HP of the product
  • Voltage of the product
  • Application Version
  • MC (Motor Control) Version
  • Ethernet Version
  • CPLD Version
  • PWR Version
  • Serial number (consists of the next 2 lines displayed)
  • Product Version
  • Option 1 will display the information of the option card installed in slot A (if one is present) including part number, version number and serial number
  • Option 2 will display the information of the option card installed in slot B (if one is present) including part number, version number and serial number
  • Graphic Display terminal will display the Version and serial number of the graphic keypad
See attached document for an example of what these displays look like.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

첨부 파일
Drive ID.pdf [389.77 KB]
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